Self defence without aggression
A Dan grade in our club carries with it certain responsibilities. In particular a dan grade is an exemplar of the principles of aikido and, as such, they should pay particular attention to their behaviour and the performance of technique on the mat.
At Dan grade level you should be familiar with all the techniques described in the syllabus from 7th kyu to 1st kyu. In addition a key element of Dan grade promotions is 'jiyu waza' or free style response to a variety of attacks.
The following are the specific requirements .
1st Dan. 1 ushiro technique, jiyu waza with one uke and yokumen uchi and mune tsuki attacks. 3 x one minute.
2nd Dan: suwari waza, shomen uchi, ikkyo, nikkyo and sankyo. Two ushiro techniques. Jiyu waza with 2 uke, yokumen uchi and mune tsuki attacks. 4 x one minute.
3rd Dan: suwari waza, shomen uchi, ikkyo, nikkyo, sankyo, yonkyo. Three ushiro techniques. Jiyu waza with 2 uke, yokumen uchi, mune tsuki and shomen uchi, 3 x 2 minutes